Light green grass with pearls of dew painted with watercolors. The perpective is a close-up at ground level.
Grass with Pearls of Dew #01
9x6 inch | 22,9 x 15,2 cm
Watercolor and Gouache
Stonehenge Paper
(Ref-Pic by Pixabay 'jplenio')
This traditional watercolor and gouache artwork is painted in light green colors. I particularly like the close-up perspective as it creates a sense of calm in the early morning stillness. After a stressful day, it's just what I need to get back into a more peaceful mood. I also love the fresh spring and cool summer vibes it gives me.
I especially like this comment from a viewer and fellow artist:
"...almost a magical feel here, with the soft light and shadow, the glistening droplets, the tender, new green...  I almost expect to see a tiny fairy somewhere!" ~ FalconFan
Watch the painting process:
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